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the reason to choose yellow screen printing mesh

I believe that everyone in the market see a lot of people buying yellow screen printing mesh when buying printing mesh. Is the screen printing mesh a color?

Yellow Screen Printing Mesh

The screen printing mesh is available in both yellow and white. What to use yellow screen printing mesh, we know that the beautiful color of nature is due to the role of light, there is no color without light, the color of light is determined by the frequency of light waves. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, basket, and purple are the light that people can feel by the visual nerves, called visible light. The surface of the object selectively absorbs and reflects light to obtain different colors. In short, any color we can see is the color of light. That is, when a beam of light hits the surface of a yellow object, only the yellow light is reflected, stimulating our optic nerve and coloring, while other colors are absorbed, so we see that the color of the object is yellow.

The above is the principle of yellow screen printing mesh. The reason why the content of the clothes is introduced is because it can be combined with our screen printing. Since screen printing is exposed to ultraviolet light, the purple light is reflected by a mixture of two colors of cyan and magenta in color, that is, a yellow hue is absent in black. During exposure, the yellow color of the purple plus mesh is superimposed into black, so the surface of the yellow screen (ie, the bottom of the emulsion layer) is not sensitive or less exposed, so there is no "back drying" phenomenon, resulting in high image clarity will not produce vignette.