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Screen printing and screen printing machine

Screen printing and screen printing machine
Screen printing is a type of hole printing. Screen printing involves stretching a mesh of fabric over a screen frame and making a plate for printing.Perforated plate printing includes hollowed-out plate, as soon as possible, spray plate and jie jie printing method. Jie Jie printing method is screen printing. Screen printing method is most widely used in hole printing industry.Compared with other printing methods, screen printing is outstanding in the following aspects:
1) Adaptability.Gravure, embossing, lithography can only be printed on a flat substrate.However, in addition to the screen printing can be printed on the surface of the plane substrate, but also in the sphere, curved surface and concave-convex surface and other special shape surface can be printed.Usually, according to the different substrate, can be divided into: paper, plastic, glass, ceramics, metal, circuit board, textile and other categories, also formed their own printing system.
(2). Thick ink layer, texture and three-dimensional sense of strong.In lithography, gravure and embossing three printing methods, ink layer thickness is only about 12 microns.Relatively speaking, screen printing can generally reach the ink layer thickness of about 30 microns, far more than the above methods.Ink layer thick, texture and three-dimensional strong, other printing methods can not meet.
(3). Strong optical rotation resistance and constant luster.Omission, screen printing is a major feature, so in the printing can use a variety of characteristics of ink and paint, the same pigment particle size is not too strict requirements.In addition, screen printing ink allocation method is simple.It has been proved by practice that the density range of one printing on coated paper by screen printing is 0.5-2.0, so screen printing products have strong light resistance and can be widely used in outdoor advertising and signage fields.
(4) Large printing area.Screen printing can be up to 3 meters by 4 meters in super size, or even larger.The reason for this situation is that the printing area of other printing methods is difficult to exceed the full sheet size due to the limitation of the size of mechanical equipment. However, screen printing can avoid this limitation and carry out super-large area printing.In combination with the use of screen printing in real life, there are various types of printing machines and screen printing methods.Screen printing mainly USES two printing methods, plane printing and surface printing. As far as the domestic market is concerned, the flat screen screen printing machine occupies almost all the market share.